Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Brambles, 22-28 September 2014

Hello, another week has flown by and it's time for my weekly post!

This week I've created a scrapbook layout showing and listing all the "usual suspects" that visit the garden. I used a number of lovely kits by Dawn Inskip and details can be found on my Flickr by clicking the image below.

The "Usual Suspects" at The Brambles!

I had great fun putting this page together and it really does make me realise how lucky I am to have so many visitors to the garden. I know that they come for the bird food... but still!

There have been a few male and female blackbirds around this week, all in various "states of repair"! Some really are looking a little worse for wear still. There was a male great spotted pecker today, so a change from the usual females and young ones.

The goldfinches are back and tucking into the niger seeds, and about time too. More recently they haven't touched those, preferring the sunflower seeds instead.

The squirrels are still busy burying and I am sure that the one I saw today had a tulip bulb in its mouth! I've actually bought some more bulbs this weekend to replace the ones they've been having a nibble on!!! This years display of them was very poor due to all the eaten bulbs.

Whilst doing a bit of tidying in the garden today Steve found the pond light that had gone missing not long after I saw the fox in the garden. So not stolen, just hidden!

The garden still needs a bit of a tidy up before the winter but it's almost there. Hopefully there will be a few nice weekends left before the dreary days of November start and we can get finished.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

The Brambles, 15-21 September 2014

Hi, I can't believe it is Sunday again already! The garden has been as busy as ever, lots of little birds and great spotted peckers. There were three in the pieris one day this week, two females and a young one. They all seemed to be "hiding" from each other, whilst all keeping an eye on the fat block. They can't seem to get enough of it. It's been popular all year so far, with all the birds that are able to access it. They get through about three a week as well as all the other food that I put out every day!

The robins have been singing at the tops of their voices this week. It is so lovely to hear them, there is nothing quite like the sound of birdsong :) (Birdsong is not to be confused with the "song" of the magpie, jay or crow!)

All the usual birds have been around, although I've not seen any goldfinches this week.

The squirrels are still busy burying! And I guess the last thing of interest was the tiny frog I saw one morning whilst I was out feeding the birds.

I've not been out much with my camera recently, so no new photos. Hopefully some new ones soon.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

The Brambles, June - September 2014

Hello :) It's been a long time since my last post, but I am still enjoying my garden and all the birds, wildlife and flowers that visit or find a home within it, as you can see by one of my latest scrapbook pages. No new photos, so I've been "recycling" my old ones! The scrapbook page was created for a challenge with the theme of Happy at Real Life Scrapped.

Happy is enjoying my garden

Last weekend would have been the perfect time for a photo of a fox in the garden. Unfortunately I had my hands full of aquilegia's that had long gone over and not my camera. I'd been working at the end of the more "formal" bit of garden, turned around and there under the pieris with its nose in the songbird special bird food mix was a fox. A rather smart looking fox too, I would say it was a younger one. It made me jump, and not it! It just looked at me, put its nose back in the bird food for a bit, then stood there a bit longer before walking past me to a gap in the fence to our neighbours and disappeared!

I am suspecting this is the current fox that has firstly stolen the floating light we had in the pond and secondly been playing with one of the rubber ducks from the pond too. Yes, we are back to that, finding stuff from the pond somewhere in the garden! And this morning I found the feather remains of a wood pigeon on the "lawn". So I am guessing that somewhere there is a very happy fox that got its bird for breakfast.

The garden over the last few months has been as busy as ever. The squirrels have constantly been around and now for them it is burying time, so it is busy than ever! There has just been a squirrel on the front lawn, wondering where to bury its latest acorn, they are so entertaining!

The blackbirds as expected "disappeared" for a month or so, but are back now on show. Some are still looking very haggard.

Lots of blue tits and great tits this year. There were so many young! The great spotted woodpeckers have had lots this year too. There have been multiple peckers in the garden all at the same time, I think I've seen up to four, which is quite a lot. And there has been pecker chasing too.

The robins did well too, with a few young ones. The greenfinch's seemed to start breeding early and finished late, with a number of young ones. I saw one being fed just this week.

I chopped back the oregano and marjoram a couple of weeks ago and I disturbed a few little frogs. I've not seem many in the pond this year, so it's nice to know they are still around. They hopped off in the direction of the sage, and hopefully found a new place to hang out.

The flowers have been great this year, and there has been quite a few butterflies, although I would say not as many bees as last year.

I've planted four hydrangeas, three in the back garden and a beautiful white one out front. They are all growing well. This is when I realise that I haven't taken any photos of the hydrangeas and they have started to go over now. Next year! I moved some plants from the back garden to the front, including a number of lavenders and so far they all seem to be doing well.

I planted up a couple of spare tubs that I had with a variety of herbs. I've used them in salads, vege stews and homemade sandwich fillings/dips.

I don't know where the summer has gone. Autumn is definitely on its way. The leaves have started to fall and there is a chill in the air first thing in the morning. I am hoping that autumn will be full of bright days, even if a little chilly, where freshly fallen leaves crunch underfoot.

Last notes: the little birds are at this moment singing away and it's so lovely to listen to, it makes me smile when I hear them :)