Sunday, 23 March 2014

Bird, wildlife and flower log,17-23 March 2014

Hello! I missed a week, but generally last week was like this week. So nothing missed.

Mrs Blackbird has been very, very busy coming and then going with a beak full of nesting materials each time. Grass, mud and other bits and pieces and I can only assume it is dirty business as she has several baths a day! Mr Blackbird on the other hand does not seem impressed with having her in his territory. I can only assume they are not together!

In my catch up last time I forgot to mention a few things that had happened over the previous few months. There have been a few sightings of redwings, I have also seen them this time of year or earlier the last three years. The first year here there were loads (I expect due to the bad weather) eating all the berries on the holly tree.

The wren has been around a little bit too, but the real surprise this year was the thrush. Firstly I saw two at the same time, secondly they have been around for a few months. Again over the last three years I spot it a few times and then it disappears for ages.

After my comment about the Jay I couldn't believe it when the next day I saw it in the garden! And I have seen it a few times since.

I was out in the garden today and there was a lot of singing going on. First the robin was singing its heart out, and then the dunnock started. Generally the competition is within species, there were three Mr Blackbirds on the front lawn all fighting, then a couple of male chaffinches having a go at each other and lots of little fights between blue tits too.

The not so nice side of garden birds is there is a dead bird on the lawn, not many feathers, mainly carcass. I assume it is a pigeon but I can't make my mind up. I saw a sparrowhawk circling last week and I've seen a female a couple of times in the garden prior to that, so it may be that which caught the bird.

Still no great photos this year, hopefully next week :)

Birds Wildlife and Insects Flowers
Great spotted woodpecker - female, male Grey squirrels Hyacinth
Chaffinch - male, female Brimstone yellow butterfly Daffodil
Greenfinch - male, female Peacock butterfly Pulmonaria (Lungwort)
Blue tit - adult Bees Heather
Great tit - adult
Coal tit
Siskin - male, female
Robin - adult
Clematis (hardy variety)
Magpie - adult
Viburnum tinus (I think)
Crow - adult
Hellebore (green flower)
Woodpigeon - adult, juvenile

Collared dove - adult


Blackbird - male, female





Sunday, 9 March 2014

Bird, wildlife and flower log, 3-9 March 2014

Hi again, it's been a while, but due to lots of things going on I've had to take a break from blogging. Unfortunate as my plan was to document what happens in the garden all through the year. What I can say is that it has been busy. Mr Black has been doing a good job looking after his territory, there have been constant visitations by the goldfinches (which is unusual as they usually disappear for periods of time). Again the nuthatch usually disappears but has been around all the time too. There has been more blue tits than I can count and a few quick visits from the long tailed tits. Not many sightings of the dunnocks and also thinking about it, it has been a long time since I've seen a jay too.

The garden has been flowering for a few weeks too. First a few snow drops, then the crocuses and primroses. The garden is full of purple and lilac crocuses and these with the pulmonaria look great next to the yellows of the primroses and daffs.

With the lovely weather this weekend the butterflies have been out. There have been a few bees around for about three weeks now.

My neighbours removed a smallish tree today and I am now the owner of a few limbs :) which means that finally my "bug hotel" has a bit more substance! Actually, maybe I should really call it a "bug campsite"! It started out as a pile of twigs and now has some tree bits with it. But honestly, I can't imagine bugs are too fussy! It will need some work before it looks anything like the RSPB Wildlife Stack, but I am hoping the logs will create a good base.

No photos today, but I'm hoping that if the weather continues to improves I will be able to get out and get snapping.

Birds Wildlife and Insects Flowers
Great spotted woodpecker - female Grey squirrels Crocus
Chaffinch - male, female Brimstone yellow butterfly Daffodil
Greenfinch - male, female Peacock butterfly Pulmonaria (Lungwort)
Blue tit - adult Large white butterfly Heather
Great tit - adult BeesPrimrose
Coal tit

Siskin - male, female

Robin - adult

Magpie - adult

Crow - adult

Woodpigeon - adult, juvenile

Collared dove - adult


Blackbird - male, female
